Gravel Extraction Application
NEW planning application for Mineral Extraction by Earthline at Wheatleys Farm.
Application No PL/2023/03298 - Closing date for comments 24 July 2023.
This is a new application by the same developer to develop the same site with a few differences set out below. It is basically the same as the application which was rejected in 2022 by Wiltshire’s planners. IT IS VITAL THAT WE RESTATE OUR CONCERNS. PREVIOUS OBJECTION LETTERS WILL NOT COUNT.
The original application was rejected by Wiltshire Planners only 13 months ago. The Planning Officer stated: “The application demonstrates that there is a need” for minerals development and that the site is within an identified Mineral Resource Zone but he went on to state the application “did NOT demonstrate that this is a suitable location within this zone”.
Want to have your say?
You have until the 24 July to comment. If you objected last time and still object, you need to do again otherwise the planners will assume that your concerns have been addressed. For everyone else who wishes to comment or object to the planning application, it’s easy to do.
If you wish to make a comment, please do so via planning website or in writing.
Please visit:
or search here search by planning reference
or email submissions to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or write to:
Development Services - Wiltshire Council, Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1ER. Quote: PL/2023/03298
The more objections received, the greater chance there is of the application being turned down.