Minerals Liaison
The purpose of the Minerals Liaison Working Group is to advise the Parish Council on current and future developments of mineral extraction in the Parish of Ashton Keynes that may have an impact on the environment and general welfare of the community.
The aims of the group are to liaise with mineral extraction operating companies and the relevant departments in Wiltshire Council to ensure:
- That dirt on roads and stone droppings from heavy plant vehicles is minimised so as not to become a danger to traffic.
- That noise and atmospheric dust arising from operating plant is minimised so as not be become a nuisance to the community.
- That rights of way are properly signposted and indicate health and safety dangers, and are unobstructed and passable on foot.
- That extraction workings and machinery are inaccesible by the public.
- That waterways are not blocked leading to an increased flooding risk.
- That the natural environment is safeguarded by requesting extraction operators to implement enviromental and biodiversity practices.
- That aggregate extraction operations are adhering to planning consent conditions.
- That new extraction site proposals are advised as early as possible and made available to the community for discussion and consultation.
- That exhausted sites are restored and landscaped and not back filled with unsuitable material.
Mineral aggregrate extraction companies we are currently in discussions with are Aggregate Industries and MC Cullimore.

The members of the working group are
- Barry Ellison
- - Councillor